Create Instant Audio Podcasts

Create Podcast from Text Read Existing Content Upload Directly to iTunes Create RSS Audio Feed Start with Premium Voice for as little as $29

iSpeech - Instant Audio Podcasts

iSpeech can transform your text into audio without any work. Just a simple cut, paste and click and you'll have an audio version for increased visibility. Podcasts are the fastest growing electronic medium for information.

To create an hour of audio, it takes you at least an hour. It will take even longer if you need to edit the audio or re-record sections of audio. You will also need a good microphone and some practice if you want a decent recording.

With iSpeech Instant Audio Podcast, it takes about 5 seconds to create an hour of audio. You can choose the best female or male voices anywhere to read your content for you. Afterwards, you can spend your time distributing the podcast and promoting it instead of creating it.

Making a podcast has never been this easy.

Sign up for an account and start using iSpeech today.

Call us if you have any questions before you begin!

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